Thanks for a great post Ryan! Always a great reminder to be thankful for the life we have.

On a related note, Ali Abdaal on Modern Wisdom said that a 5 minute daily gratitude practice will increase your happiness levels the same amount as doubling your income. Which sounds kind of insane but I am sure there is something to it.

A second thing I thought of while reading this was Hans Rosling and his book Factfulness. If you have not read it I would recommend it highly! The book is about how the world has improved drastically over time, yet we all tend to underestimate the improvement. He has a good Ted talk too if you don’t feel like reading the book. Have a great day!

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I love some good recommendations, much appreciated! A huge Modern Wisdom fan as well so that bodes well, I will definitely check that out. Always appreciate book recommendations too, thank you Oskar!

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